


Ned: A New Australian Musical’ uses an iconic Australian figure to lay bare the ugly beginnings of our nationhood. Set in rural Victoria in the late 1800’s, it charts Ned Kelly’s transformation from a local hero into a cold-blooded criminal. When his mother is unjustly convicted of attempting to murder a policeman, Ned, his brother Dan, and their two friends Joe and Steve flee to the bush to avoid their own arrest. They are soon outlawed and villainised as the feared ‘Kelly Gang’, eventually taking a final, fatal stand against the police.

By exposing the culture of crime, corruption and toxic masculinity upon which colonial Australia was built, ‘Ned’ makes us question just how much has changed in today’s society. It offers an apt reminder that social change will never be achieved through violence and arrogance, and writes the female experience into a traditionally male-dominated period of our history. It has a rich, haunting score and a libretto that captures the raucous humour, warmth and tragedy that audiences would expect of this iconic story.

We were involved early on with some branding and content work. Then became involved again last year with marketing for the Melbourne premiere – a live concert performance at the National Theatre.

“Quite simply, this is the best completely original, entirely Australian musical ever.”
Stage Whispers


Client: Groaning Dam Productions

Original Design: Arteria Studio



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